The American public education system has a variety of problems. One of the most common problems is the lack of funding, which leads to a shortage of teachers and resources. The other problem is that there are not enough schools in certain areas. This leaves some schools overpopulated while others are underpopulated.
The decline in school safety
Many schools have seen an increase in the number of violent acts, including school shootings. This has led to a decline in the safety of schools.
Schools are not as safe as they used to be because there is more violence and students feel less safe than before. There are many reasons for this. One reason is that there are more guns in society which increases the chance of violence happening at school. Another reason could be that there is more pressure on students to succeed academically which can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety which can contribute to violence at school.
Decreased teacher salaries
The average teacher salary in the United States has decreased by 8% since 2009. This is a significant decrease and it’s happening at a time when other professions are seeing an increase in salary.
Bullying in schools
Bullying is a form of abuse that involves the behavior of one or more people who repeatedly and intentionally hurt another person. Bullying can happen in schools, workplaces, or any other place where there are children or teenagers.
Bullying can take many forms including physical violence, verbal harassment, sexual assault, and cyberbullying. Some kids bully others because they want to feel better about themselves by making someone else feel bad about themselves. Others bully because they are feeling stressed out and frustrated.
Schools are overcrowded
It is not uncommon to see the classrooms overcrowded with students and barely any space for teachers. This has been a problem in schools ever since the population of students has increased over the years.
The overcrowding of classrooms is a problem that will only get worse as time goes by. Schools are already running out of space and they cannot accommodate more people in their current facilities. The number of students in school is increasing every year, which means more classrooms are needed to accommodate them all.